Guideline for Tables and Figures
Guided on January 6, 2015
Revised on March 12, 2020
Effective from April 30, 2020 (Vol.44 No.2)
These guidelines provide guidance on preparing tables and figures published in the Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles (JKSCT). APA Style Manual (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) is recommended as standard guideline for issues not stated in this guideline. If different format is necessary for editorial purpose or research-specific characteristic, the editorial board may examine and allow it.
1. Definition and Classification of Tables and Figures
- 1) Tables and Figures should efficiently present information and clearly communicate data.
- 2) Tables are numerical values or text displayed in rows and columns. Figures are any type of illustrations that are not sufficiently explained by text such as charts, graphs, drafts, drawings, and photographs. The distinction between a table and a figure is: Tables use columns and rows for presentation versus Figures that display information that cannot be explained by a table
2. Guidelines for Tables and Figures
- 1) All content including the title are written in English
- 2) The title of the Table is located above the table and the title of the Figure is placed under the figure.
- 3) Figures should be large enough to read easily and convey only essential information. Ensure that figures are simple, clear and consistent in presentation. Use figures for any type of illustration other than a table (chart, graph, photograph, or drawing) to complement the information in text or to simplify text.
- 4) For copyrighted materials being reused or edited, the source of the material should be reported. Follow the Guidelines of JKSCT
- 5) The details of all notes and abbreviations are placed below a table or above a figure caption.
- 6) The presentation format of figures in an article should be consistent.
- 7) Tables and figures are placed in text close to where they are mentioned.
- 8) It is recommended to use and edit the format provided by the JKSCT guidelines.
Details of Guidelines for Table
- (1) Avoid use of vertical borders for tables unless necessary.
- (2) For the case of statistical tests used, provide the probability (p-value) and statistical significance along with the data.
- (3) The decimal places are used to the extent that shows the accuracy of the measurement of the data. The decimal places should be consistent across data in comparison.
- (4) Note the unit of measurements if necessary.

Details of Guidelines for Figures
- (1) Specify figure details such as name, symbol, and abbreviation for each element and place them close to each for clarification.
- (2) Present the figures or elements of a figure that is the same weight and the same size. Exceptions can be made if necessary.
- (3) Legends should go within the image and not on the side. If not, place legends between the figure and the title.