Established on November 30, 1977
Revised on March 12, 2004
Revised on January 7, 2010
Revised on September 6, 2013
Revised on September 11, 2015
Revised on September 7, 2018
Revised on January 6, 2020
Effective from January 31, 2020
Revised on September 16, 2022
These guidelines present rules and regulations for authors to follow in preparing manuscripts for submission to the Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles (KSCT). Manuscripts must comply with the Code of Research Ethics of the KSCT. For matters not mentioned in the Code of Research Ethics, authors are expected to comply with the International Standards for Editors and Authors (
1. Requirements for authors
1) All authors should be members of the KSCT.
2) Authors must satisfy the requirements of authorship as specified in the Code of Research Ethics of the KSCT.
3) Authors should follow the bioethics guidelines specified in the Code of Research Ethics of the KSCT.
2. Requirements for submitted papers
1) Manuscripts submitted to the journal should demonstrate academic significance and originality.
2) Manuscripts submitted shall not have been published or under submission to other journals.
3) Ensure the correct use of the terms of sex (biological factor) and gender (socio-psychological factor), and, unless inappropriate, report the sex and/or gender of study participants, the sex of animals (or associated cells), and describe the method used to determine sex and gender. If the study was done involving an exclusive population, for example in only one sex, authors should justify why, except in obvious cases. Authors should define how they determined race or ethnicity and justify their relevance.
3. Type and research field of submitted papers
1) The journal publishes research papers, technical papers, general reviews, book reviews, letters to editors, and reports as well as related academic, industrial, and educational material.
2) The research fields the journal publishes on include five major fields of clothing and textiles studies: Textile System, Fashion Marketing, Apparel Technical Design and Production, Fashion Design, Korean and Asian Costume. The Journal also accepts papers that contribute to clothing and textiles research.
3) Regular research are limited to articles recommended for publication as a result of the review process in accordance with Regulations on the Review Process of the journal of the KSCT.
4. Requirements for dissertation (or thesis) submission
1) As an acknowledgment, the following sentence should be added: "This article is based on a (part of) master's thesis (or doctoral dissertation)."
2) The degree holder must be the main author (first author).
5. Submission procedure
1) Corresponding author should submit their manuscript on the Online Submission System ( A corresponding author is responsible for communicating with the journal editor or other authors of the manuscript. As a responsible author, the corresponding author will be contacted and asked to take appropriate action when there are questions or problems with the paper.
2) Submit the: Research Ethics Statement, Checklist for Manuscript Submission, and Copyright Transfer Form, Similarity Check Certificate.
3) Prepare the manuscript in Korean or English in an hwp format or MS Word (doc, docx) format that is suitable for converting to a PDF format. Manuscript files should be converted to PDF at submission for the review process.
4) Do not include information that may identify author(s), such as the author's name, affiliation, or acknowledgement in the manuscript.
5) The length of submitted manuscripts should be no more than 25 pages (size A4) including figures, tables and references.
6) The manuscript should be prepared in accordance with the Manuscript Preparation Guidelines of the Journal of the KSCT.
6. Contributors are required to pay all fees specified by the KSCT when submitting and publishing the manuscript.
7. The completion of the review and the order of publication
The Editorial Committee decides on the manuscripts to be published in accordance with the order of submission. The number of articles in English/Korean, specialization areas, and manuscripts for expedited review process are considered when making the publication decision
8. The procedures for editing, proofreading, and printing
1) Submit the finalized manuscript with the author name, affiliation and position, and acknowledgement in an editable hwp or MS Word (doc, docx) files.
(1) Papers written in Korean should include the title, author name (corresponding author specified) and affiliations and position in both Korean and English.
(2) Papers written in English should include the title, author name (corresponding author specified) and affiliation and position in English.
(3) In the final version of the manuscript, the declarations on Ethics and Consent, Data and Material Availability, Competing Interests, Funding, and Authors’ Contributions should be stated. (Refer to the Manuscript Preparation Guidelines of the Journal of the KSCT)
(4) Acknowledgments can be added at the end of the manuscript.
2) Authors bear the full responsibilities of proofreading the final manuscript for publication.
3) No arbitrary modification, deletion, or addition of the contents of the manuscript other than editorial changes is allowed during or after the proofreading process.
4) The editorial board may revise the manuscript when deemed necessary for editing.
9. Copyright of publication
1) The copyright of the published paper automatically belongs to the KSCT.
2) The authors should transfer all rights of the paper to the KSCT, including interests, copyrights, and digital copyrights, as agreed in the copyright transfer agreement.
3) Authors should not infringe on the copyright of other papers (including tables, pictures, and related material) and are responsible for any problems caused by copyright infringement.
4) Authors should report to the KSCT and obtain its permission when using the published paper or parts in other publications.
10. Matters not specified in this regulation shall be handled in accordance with the customs of the academic community and similar regulations, and the editor-in-chief shall report the process and results to the Editorial Committee and promptly revise regulations accordingly.
Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
1. Page format
1) Font type and size
Font type
Font size
Line Spacing
Shin Myeong Jo
11 point
MS Word (doc, docx)
TImes New Roman
11 point
2) Paper margin
MS Word (doc, docx)
2. Title
1) Manuscripts in English: Include the title in English only.
2) Manuscripts in Korean: Include the title in both Korean and English.
3. Abstract
1) A 150-200 word abstract should be in English.
2) Research objectives, research methods, and research findings should be clear and concise.
4. Keywords
1) Present 5 or less keywords below the abstract.
2) For manus cripts in English, include keywords in English only. For manuscripts in Korean, write in both Korean and English.
5. Tables and figures
1) The title, content, and explanation should be written and presented in English.
2) Tables and figures should be arranged in accordance with the instructions established in 'Guidelines of Tables and Figures' by the Journal of the KSCT. The Editorial Committee may allow exceptions in inevitable cases.
6. Measuring Units
1) In principle, S.I. units (International System of Units) should be used.
2) The use of other units is possible with the permission of the Editorial Board.
7. Declarations
1. Ethics and Concent: If a study involves Human Subjects and/or Human Subjects Data, IRB (Institutional Review Board) approval information should be included.
2. Availability of Data and Materials: Data availability statements should include information on where data supporting the results reported in the article can be found including, where applicable, hyperlinks to publicly archived datasets analysed or generated during the study.
3. Competing Interests: A competing interest exists when the authors’ interpretation of data or presentation of information may be influenced by their personal or financial relationship with other people or organizations. Authors should disclose any financial competing interests but also any non-financial competing interests. Editors also required to declare any competing interests regarding the review process.
4. Funding: All sources of funding for the research(e.g., collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript) should be declared.
5. Authors’ Contributions: The individual contributions of authors to the manuscript should be specified, using the English initials of the author's name.
6. If there is no applicable item in 1-5 above, indicate ‘not applicable.’
7. Detailed example expressions of Item 1-5 are listed in the “JKSCT Declaration Examples.”
8. References
1) The reference list should be in English and follow the style guide of the KSCT.
2) References should comply with the Regulation for Reference List Preparation in the Journal of the KSCT.
3) Refer to the APA Style Manual (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) for matters not specified in KSCT regulations.
Submission and Publication Fees
1. Submission fee: 100,000 won (General)
2. Publication fee: 200,000 won (basic fee, up to 12 pages) + 30,000 won per additional page. Costs involved in color printing, special effects, and other unique needs will be borne by the author(s).
3. Expedited processing fees are twice the general processing fees.
Journal Contact Information
The Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
#513, Hall 1, The Korea Science and Technology Center, 22, Teheran-ro 7-Gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06130, Korea